Free pharmacy discount card online to help you and your family save significantly on all branded and generic medications for unlimited fills
The cost of medications keeps rising year after year as drug companies keep revising their medications’ costs, especially life-saving medications and patented innovative medications, such as those used in treating coronavirus pandemic. These rising medications’ costs ultimately drive expenses for all, including health insurance premiums, employers and the US healthcare system at large. That’s the reason, more employers are moving to cost-sharing health plans as their staff faces higher costs while filling prescriptions at the pharmacy. Moreover, even for the people with insurance, it may be difficult to afford medications as many medications may not be covered, or the ones that were covered have been excluded during the current formulary revision. Formulary is the prescription drug list that shows all the medications that are covered by your current plan. So, the insured person will have to pay the full retail price of the medication for all such medications that they will have...